Thursday, February 12, 2015



Family Pressure on Young Girls for Genitalia Mutilation Continues in Kenya

I find this article on Genital Mutilation to be so important and under reported, it causes a feeling of sadness that I cannot begin to express.  I think the idea that girls have been mutilated at a young age and told that no one will want to "marry them" and therefore would be worthless, is so wrong, and  sexist on so many levels.  The fact that this is is still done by people, who defend this as a tradition or cultural practice, is completely barbaric and  mentally and physically damaging.  It violating a child's basic human right. This is done by force to girls, and if they try to refuse this disgusting "practice" they suffer the consequence of being cast out by their families! This is psychologically abusive and will inherently affect them for the rest of their lives!