I decided to choose the topic of FGM, better known as Female Genital Mutilation. Allow me to explain in full detail what this process involves. This is done to girls from birth up to the age of 15. These young girls are taken from their homes and they are told that they will be not be “marriyable” and will basically be worthless and shunned by their community and family, if they do not undergo this despicable, inhuman, disgusting, and barbaric, “tradition”.
“Excision, the most common practice in Africa, involves the cutting of the clitoris, its removal, and slicing of the labia minora and majora. An inexperienced hand or poor eyesight, (basically if a professional doctor isn’t doing these “operations”), this can lead to puncturing of the urethra, the bladder, the anal sphincter and/or the vaginal walls. Heavy keloid scarring can impair walking; the development of dermoid cysts is not uncommon. A ritual frequently justified as a guarantor of fertility can lead to sterility. Most women in the Horn of Africa are also infibulated. “ In addition to clitoridectomy, the reduced labia majora are sewn together, leaving a trivial opening. After the operation, the girl’s legs are bound together from hip to ankle for up to 40 days to permit the formation of scar tissue. Urination and menstruation are excruciating ordeals: it can take up to 30 minutes to empty the bladder; the retention of urine and menstrual blood guarantees infection. “.” This information I’ve quoted from The Crime of Female Genital Mutilation reprinted from Women And Revolution No. 41, Summer/Autumn 1992.
These “traditions” and practices backed up by “religious” enforcers have been carried out for far too long, it’s a violation of Children’s rights/Human Rights and just another way to try and keep Women submissive, and it needs to stop! There have been a few laws passed to criminalize this, but only enforced as of 2011. This is under reported and it needs to be exposed to the public and criminalized everywhere. There is no room for justification on any level what so ever. Anyone, who would do this kind of heinous, inexcusable, nauseating, psychological abuse, that affects these children/women for life should be punished by the law. I’ve enclosed a copy of a case where a man was convicted of this revolting crime and hopefully this case will start a trend. If it was up to me the laws to punish this man would have been far worse. Until then, I will continue to report and fight the good fight. No religion has any right to cause any child this type of bodily harm. Period.
Georgia: Man Convicted in Daughter’s Mutilation By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Published: November 2, 2006An Ethiopian immigrant was convicted of the genital mutilation of his 2-year-old daughter and was sentenced to 10 years in prison in what was believed to be the first such criminal case in the United States. The man, Khalid Adem, 30, left, was found guilty of aggravated battery and cruelty to children. Prosecutors said Mr. Adem used scissors to remove his daughter’s clitoris in his family’s Atlanta-area apartment in 2001. Mr. Adem wept loudly after the jury’s verdict was read. Federal law bans the practice of genital mutilation, but many states do not have a law addressing it. Georgia lawmakers, with the support of the girl’s mother, passed an antimutilation law last year.
This is disturbing on so many levels! I understand that these are religious practices but sheesh, where does one draw the line?!