Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Crossing Religious/Cultural Boundaries


              The question most would ask is how did this practice come about?  We know who, and where, but why?   Is it purely religious or is it strictly based on socioeconomic aspects?  Can we blame this only on a certain group of people for lack of education or does this imply something more profoundly embedded after years and years of practice?  Some of the religions that practice this "ritual" or as some cultures call it, a rite of passage for a woman, (if you could call this barbaric mutilation something to look forward to) include,  Muslim communities, one Jewish group Beta Israel of Ethiopia also known as Falasha’s Israel ,  its also a part of Islamic teachings in Malaysia and Indonesia, by no means are these the only ones who are guilty of this  inhuman act. I also found that there is a group in Christianity within the Russians called Stoptsy, these people did all sorts of things that date back to the early 1900's, from castrations and early types of FGM, lastly there are Animists groups in Africa that practice FGM, yet their religious views are undocumented.  It's quite interesting though because from the research I've done, it's agreed that "there's no close link between  the practice and the religious belief", yet in Egypt, Mauritania, Eritrea, Mali, and Guinea it is a religious requirement.
  Hmmmmm, something about the word requirement doesn't sound like there's much of a choice involved, and my only issue with this, is that this requirement is pushed on a child against their will, and or knowledge as to why they must go about it.  Okay so why i ask, why has this tradition been justified? What are the reasons that have been given to back this up?  First the obvious, this is a direct Stab, excuse my pun to control a women's sexuality, they believe that this will "lessen" their sexual desire. In fact it takes away from their sexual pleasure and makes it painful after the process has been administered, picture a man  tearing through the scar that has been formed after they've sewn it up, well, I can't imagine what that feels like, but , it doesn't sound too pleasant. It's also been said that they proceed with FGM as an "initiation" process to include them into their society.  They even try and get away with filling their minds with the absurd idea that having a normal vagina intact is "dirty" and they themselves are unclean without this procedure.  They also believe in some cultures that FGM, (the trauma inflicted)  will affect their personalities and make these girls into a  "complete woman" and that maybe this process will create them into the women they ought to be docile, submissive, and let's 
not forget, obedient!

             All of this is backed up by "Cultural/Religious" traditions that are in place as they have been for years, and no one questions this.  When and how would innocent children and women be able to battle this practice? Especially if in certain countries, as I mentioned before,it is a religious requirement.  How long will we turn a blind eye and allow this barbaric, inhuman practice to continue?  Where does one draw the line between "keeping up with traditions in one's culture",and just causing physical mutilation to children?  Is it really okay to just do whatever they want to, regardless of how abusive these rituals might be?  When is it ok for someone to step in and say , "No this is wrong and it must stop! ". Above when, the question is how, since most of these women and children are born into this type of culture and have no choice.

1 comment:

  1. If reading and seeing these pictures made me cringe, you did a good job. The fact that these innocent human beings are being subjected to an uncalled for form of mutilation for no reason other than to please others. It's sickening.
