Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Who Are We to say what is Normal?

The United States of America, the land of the Free, Or so we think.  It's what most of us like to call it because for the most part we live a privileged life.  We don't worry about running water, we don't worry about where our next meals are coming from, and we most certainly do not live with the uncertainty of our life expectance as those in the third world.
But along with all the comforts that some Americans live with there's also those too that take the benefits that money can buy a bit too far.  See thats the American dream.  It is believed that as long as you work hard enough anyone can do whatever they want.  So people do just that. It has gotten to the point that people have become so obsessed that they've taken that vain quest for fame and beauty to another level altogether. People will do just about anything to improve upon their looks, and invest in cosmetic surgery.  This goes far beyond your basic breast implants from years ago. The different types of surgeries to change ones bodies would surprise any logical person around the globe, but hey, We're American and We do whatever we want! As long as we can pay for it! And even if we can't, we still do it. Why? Cause it's our god given right as Americans.
 But we are very quick to frown upon other peoples rituals or traditons if we don't think they fit our "normal" way of life. We consider ourselves to be the advanced group of people on this side of the globe and truley wish everyone else would catch up and start behaving as such!

Now back to FGM, I say all of this because we all have strong opinions of what's right and whats not.  One thing that we should all be able to agree upon unfortunately we still to this day do not and that's children's rights!!!  Maybe what people do to their bodies here is a little strange and down right superficial, but overall, one thing that remains true, is that people everywhere should practice what they believe.  So is it better or is worse, what we do here? Regardless in the West our prospective  is that we have freedom of choice.


  1. nice presentation and great contrast between american culture and african and asian or middle eastern culture in regard of fgm
