Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What is being done to Ban FGM?

               Even though there have been laws passed to criminalize FGM all together, there are still groups in Kenya that try to reverse the laws and ask for it to be respected as a legitimate ethnic practice.  This picture here is actually a group of More than 2,000 women and men from the Maasai community that gathered to protest against Prohibition of FGM Act of 2011, a  law specifically banning FGM. This was only the 2nd time that the people got together to try and fight the FGM laws.  Even though laws have been passed in some countries to ban FGM, places such as Mali has not passed this law, so people who want to have their daughters cut, will flee to this country to have the procedure done.

 In response to people who do not enforce these laws there are also groups such as Equality Now that was founded in 1992.  Equality Now is an organization that advocates for the human rights of women and girls around the world by raising international presence by exposing individual cases of girls in these countries that try to run away from FGM.  Equality Now  makes efforts to put political pressure to enforce these laws. Here's a video of a campaign they have advocating for the Laws against FGM.

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